Forget Views – Here Are The Video Metrics That Count

Every business’ dream is for a video to go viral – to score millions of hits, get picked up and parodied, and draw a ton of attention to your brand. But past the views, a lot can be learned, and taken advantage of, from the videos you produce and share with your audiences. As you put together a plan to evaluate your videos on a regular basis (which you should be doing!), we suggest paying attention to a few of the metrics below to help you learn from your audiences, make updates, and engage with your viewers even better:

  1. Viewing behavior. While the number of views is a valuable piece of information to assess your content’s reach, it doesn’t tell the full story. Keep track of watch time to understand how long your video keeps viewers’ attention – YouTube uses watch time in addition to view count to rank and recommend videos. Also watch completion rate. How often do viewers get to the end of your content? Is it critical to share your most important message upfront?
  2. Click-through rate. Video content is often positioned to drive attention to committing an action – signing up for a newsletter, contacting a sales professional, or requesting more information. Find ways in your videos to engage, encourage, excite, and successfully convert your viewers.
  3. Feedback. If your video content is published on YouTube or social media, you have a great opportunity to capture feedback from your audience. Learn what they do and don’t love about your products and brand, and take what these comments are saying to heart. This candid feedback can help you improve your offering and build respect with your audiences.
  4. Geography and audience. Learn more about your audience, and where they’re located through geo and audience data. You can use this information to target your marketing, ad spend, and sales outreach. Understand who is engaging with you currently, and areas of opportunity where there’s less action.

While these are important metrics to measure, plan around, and build future content based off of, you have Rock Shore’s experts to guide the creative and production process. We’re dedicated to developing strategic, creative video content that will drive your goals and create positive engagement around your brand.

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